Recent events this year, until now. Learnings and Education Delivery

It is overwhelming with so many events happening during this year, until now:

Ø The global pandemic due to the nCOVID-19 virus, the realisation that the scientific research community has to collaborate strongly to prevent and fight such situations, and also the fragility of our health systems even in the most developed countries;

Ø The pandemic’s impact on the world economy, making us understand that the financial health of the world can be vulnerable;

Ø The sharp increase in digital transformation in governance, health, & education, and the sharp increase in going online and its usage, which has benefited countries and its people who are privileged to have access to technology.  However, the digital divide chasm has widened. Some less privileged parts of the world are left behind;

Ø The docking of SpaceX Dragon with the International Space Station, in about 19 hours from launch is exciting and a big positive; it demonstrates that we can push the boundaries of our thinking, and imagination;

Ø A super typhoon in the Bay of Bengal delivering massive destruction to human life and infrastructure;

Ø The border disputes involving India, China, Nepal, and Pakistan, the heightened tensions, the withdrawal of Hong Kong’s autonomy — the political narratives that are divided;

Ø The traveling Green ‘Glacier Mice’ that has charmed the scientists with a reminder that the world is still full of mystery.

Every one of these incidents and phenomena warrants that it be turned into educational material, with appropriate pedagogy, to design and deliver phenomena-based learning modules for the appropriate grades at schools. I am hoping that this year will be significant for education: learning and assessments.

The intent is to start multidisciplinary programs or phenomena-based programs in the school education system, with the help of external experts, in a phased manner.

About the author

D Sudhanva is the founder and CEO at Excelsoft Technologies, a globally renowned eLearning Solutions Company. With a focus on transforming education across the world, Sudhanva has steered Excelsoft to be a thought leader in Education Technology with robust products delivering innovative solutions.