This is how you could be in the “Lock down”​ but still continue to learn!

All education, at all levels — school education, college education, higher education — has had to separate the institutions of learning from the students during the lockdown. While video-based learning is delivered to each individual, the effectiveness falls considerably.

The teachers stare at the computer display with many windows open, with each window for a student. The teachers are trained to use technology tools and not just use a camera to deliver lessons. They are able to see the body language of the students and make eye contact with them. The teacher-student interactions will be possible, but they will need to follow a SOP so that we are not speaking over each other. That discipline is important. Well-directed tests and assessments will be provided in a secure manner to the students, and the back-end will accountable for processing the tests and see the results.

If, during preparation for the assessments, you cannot collaborate with peer groups or instructors, you are on your own. Sometimes, this can be frustrating, yes, but you just cannot give up. You have to pick up the threads and consult your teachers online to help you remedy your challenges.

Understanding the core concepts, remediation counseling online (preferably one-to-one), and practice, and practice, and more practice is the mantra.

Clarity of mind is very important; practicing yoga and meditation does help clear the clutter in your mind. I urge you to follow these simple principles, so that you do not get frustrated. If this is going to be the ‘new normal’ post-COVID, and we do not know when, this is all we can do.

The real books will become important, because old habits die hard.

Do not despair; keep your faith and a positive mindset. Practice some breathing exercises and meditation; they are sure to calm your nerves, and you will quickly see clarity in what you are studying. Remember, you are not alone!

About the author

D Sudhanva is the founder and CEO at Excelsoft Technologies, a globally renowned eLearning Solutions Company. With a focus on transforming education across the world, Sudhanva has steered Excelsoft to be a thought leader in Education Technology with robust products delivering innovative solutions.