Curiosity has duality

Curiosity is fundamental to learning. Curiosity is gift of nature to the human mind. Curiosity enables creativity and hence Innovation. All well understood by most people.

This is also fundamental to Education for life. From a newly born, to the aged, the human mind has an unquenchable thirst for new knowledge, learning, and the wisdom to understand our purpose of life.

This seems to be fundamental fabric of thinking, that has evolved, refined, collectively researched by the best minds in the Country. Eventually manifesting in a National Education Policy. A decade of effort to bring freshness to Education, and to feed the aspirations of a Billion people.

Curiosity has a duality. One could be curious about the infinitesimally tiny, the fundamental particle of life, to the Infinity of Space and Universe. Human curiosity is boundless and hence the quest for knowledge and learning.

Education in a formal environment, needs a plan and a policy framework that spans Early childhood Education, to School Education, Higher Education and Frontline Research. Providing an opportunity to pursue one’s own interest areas, and breakaway from a rigid framework of education, to flexibility and freedom to pursue knowledge, skill development, and competencies for the new world order.

Education is about pushing the boundaries of thinking, discovering, ideating and Innovating.

The National Education policy provide the curriculum, pedagogical approaches at various levels of Education, Assessment, and professional development of all the key stakeholders in School Education, Higher Education, Vocational Education. While it could be seen as challenging to transform our Education system from what it is today to what is in the plan, I am hopeful that detailed guidelines will be provided in the forthcoming months. There are many grey areas and clutter that needs to be cleared, before implementation starts.

Such challenges are fundamental to change and transformation, and change is constant.

All said, it needs every one of us to contribute, and endure. There is no gain without pain!

About the author

D Sudhanva is the founder and CEO at Excelsoft Technologies, a globally renowned eLearning Solutions Company. With a focus on transforming education across the world, Sudhanva has steered Excelsoft to be a thought leader in Education Technology with robust products delivering innovative solutions.