There are questions that are begging for answers for now and when the new normal happens.
The schools, their leaderships, educators, and administrators were used to a bunch of things: school buses collecting children and ferrying them to school every morning; a busy day of instructor-led classroom sessions; laboratories; outdoor activities of games, gardening and field trips to places of interest; crowded corridors in the schools; group interactions in informal spaces in the schools; time at the gym etc., ferrying the students back to safety of their homes and families, and interactions during the commute where friendships blossom.
The challenging times of today and the new normal, whenever it happens, means the use of technology: digital interactive content, live lectures and online learning platform and technology tools that can go a certain distance in remediation of the current scenario of learning from home.
But, how do we fill the void of outdoor activities, and physical activities like playing soccer, cricket, or other team games?
Skill training is an essential part of education. Imparting skills like carpentry model making, craft, tinkering labs and makerspaces cannot be substituted in the virtual world?
Getting the learners to become hands-on is essential.